2 audio spots for the 1-year exhibition « Pas si bête », Musée des enfants du Préau des Accoules, Marseille, with the Fibres collective (Nov. 24 > June 25)
The audio is a conglomerate of zoomusic (sounds and vocalizations from the animal world). Animal calls are mixed together, sometimes with human voices, to emulate the vocalization of the many hybrid creatures presented in the exhibition : Sirens, Sphynx, Egytptian Gods, Medusa, Tarasque…
With the voices of Barbara Do & Manya Muse.

A few sources about zoomusic :
Even though I did not use them as sound material, I highly benefited from the reading and listening of these following :
François-Bernard Mâche : Music, Myth, and Nature, Or, The Dolphins of Arion
- List of conferences : https://fbmache.fr/conferences-et-master-classes/
Animal recordings
Elephants, Whales, Wolves, Apes & monkeys, Snakes, Birds
- https://seaworld.org/animals/sounds
- https://www.audiyou.de/benutzer/tierstimmenarchiv/
- Soundcloud pages :