Hosted for 10 days by by Thierry Gianarelli at the Centre d’Exploration Chorégraphique de la Colle de Nouvé (Cabasse, var), we wanted to fuse all techniques we liked : Experimental music and video, body performance, theatre, installations. We set up a stage in the forest, shot the trees around uns and projected them back to surrounding screens. The seats for the audiences were filled with excitors so the sound would go through their bodies. It starts at sunset with a fill technological display (5 syncronised projectors, advanced sound design…) and looses one at each act. The end is in the dark night under the stars, all electricity is down, and the performers genlty sing at the ears of the audience. In between : music, shadow theater, poetry and dance.
With : Agathe Paysant, Axel Weber, Marine Debilly-Cerisier, Infrarouge (Mag Tio), Klara Gai, Mathias Richard, Nora Neko, Tout est Cassé, Basile Pflug…
Short films
These movies are an adaptation of the video material used as projected set.