Barby Lu
Sound performance with Barby Lu, Tout est cassé, Tyfen Guilloux (Tina Hype), Nekomata (live massage). Enfin Seule Festival – Off – Couvent Levat, Marseille 3 musicians play on headphones. They only hear themselves. Barby Lu is mixing the 3 inputs on real time
Remord microtour
Mini tour in Drôme-Ardèche with Barby Lu, Tout est cassé, Tyfen Guilloux, along with Manu Morvan Recordings XII de REMORD
Zone Négative @ Asile
Closing of the « Ta gueule » Exhibition organised by Barby Lu @ Asile 404, Marseille
Sound performance with tools and metal Asile 404, « Les doigts dans la prise » exhibition 2018, organised by Tyfen Guilloux
Ligne 49
Performance-bus. With Nekomata, Oddinmotion (dance), Mathias Richard (Poetry), Tyfen Guilloux and Barby Lu (recordings), Tout est Cassé & Nora Neko (Live music), and the dancing support of Natalie Hofmann. Co-produced by Asile 404, IUP AIC Arles, and (patiently) supported by RTM staff.
Un Empire Inutile
Performance show and installation in l’Embobineuse around the topic of the fucked-up party, the degenerescent fair. With : Antoine Makaz, Barby Lu, Martí Guillem, Nora Neko, Phabrice Petitdemange, Sami Maisonobe, Tout est Cassé, Tyfen Guilloux, Maria Vin Flingue, Nekomata Arcades Several movies were available in arcade cabins Pornobjects Untasty ASMR-inspired super shorts
Projets collectifs Asile 404
For 10 years, a moving group of 30 people inhabited the Asile 404, a small place in rue d’Aubagne, hosting concerts, ehxibitions, performances. Along the way they developped several collective projects between 2013 and 2018, out of money and time, developed in 1 to 10 days to be played only once, the process being often…