Live @ Azulil
Solo set for the opening of Azulil’s new place Live @Azulil by Nora Neko Azulil is a lithography artist and editor. For the occasion, she edited « Incident » a 2024 poem on a foldable postcard.
Picturing 2025
Interior design and scenography for a Ramen Bar in Marseille. 12 distinct areas including Bars, Izakayas, Karaoke box… With Antoine Fatoux, Cécile Espinasse, Cécile Valadier, Clément Toumit, Cyril Anthony, Elsa Montlahuc, Jean Lenormand, Mathieu Gernez, Pauline Cheutin, Rémy Galas, Soko Abe
2024 Stills
Photo 2023
Time Wave
Glass ball, linear actuator, aluminum bar, Arduino board, wood… Presented in SOMA in sept. 2023
Glass Wave
Sound object with glass balls, glass floor, wood, adruino board and linear actuator. Presented in SOMA, Marseille, for the exhibition Agents Incomplets (Incomplete Agents)
Agents Incomplets
Exhibition with Tyfen Guilloux during the Reimorpes Residency Videos
Mostly non-human, mostly alive
Idiotic Rotative Objects #2
Series of simple mechanisms with motors. See Here for 2017 Series Presented @ la Fabulerie, Marseille on June 28, 2023
Une séparation
Music video… As the song is a list of all the ways to feel torn apart, I was searching for a simple animation to make, and then I watched this perfectly timed scene in my own street… HQ Music on bandcamp : 12.44 (another song album) by Nora Neko Lyrics Un craquementUn déboitementUn découplageUne dérivation…
Wall painting for Tsundoku Bookstore
The Tsundoku Librarie is a large Manga Shop in Marseille. Large enough to host a reconstitution of a Tokyo street corner (and a dojo). The DSF Crew concieved a 2-step work (one side in 2022, the second in 2023) faithfully based on Mathieu Bablet‘s conceptual drawings. I had an end-wall to paint a few fast…
Photo 2022
I’d love to be that classy when I’m dead
La Deviation, Marseille : two dead chicken in a box
Zone Négative : Revue 591
Pictures and texts about performance art, incuding still shots of the Antichocs performance the Zone Négative performances are here PDF :
Yoshida 9620 Pulsar Organ – Instruments-pensées
Illustrating on a poem from Tyfen Guilloux base on imaginary instruments and sound objects / processes Final page The Yoshida-9620 is a fictionnal 1979 Pulsar organ : it gathers all Verry Large Arrays datas (radio telescopes signals) to compose tones based on the real-time frequencies of 64 pulsars. Original 3D model
Mathias Richard – À travers tout – cover
Cover drawing for Mathias Richard, Tinbad editions. The image is a meshed 3D composition of a list of objects mentioned by the author Read about the book : (fr)
Zone Négative @ Soma #1
10 days and nights of residency in SOMA with Tyfen Guilloux Following stage pictures by Arina Sidorova, Muriel Bolle, MaxRiz, Anna Borrel Performances Ligne-corps In front of a real-time video (on Nightshot mode) alternating between two cameras, two individuals draw lines on their body, undressing to discover some new surfaces. The sound is a slow…
Photo 2021
Voogt Fleur de Dopamine
Interactive object for Voogt. The sculpture has 3 flowers with a specific scent and sound, triggered by any steady presence. The whole system (sonar sensor, arduinos, 5w speakers…) is powerd by sunlight and batteries. Exhibitions Concept by Phabrice Petitdemange & Madely Schott, metal works by Françis Rugirello, Olfactive design by Hélène Bellenger, electronics & programming…
Zone Négative – Freeing #7
Photography and sound based on the duo performances sounds, published in the review Freeing [our bodies] #7 – 2021, founded by Yoann Sarrat Sound Photography cf Sale petite blatte
Zone Négative : Sale petite blatte
Still shots of a performance work with Tyfen Guilloux. Published in FREEING (Our Bodies) #7 , 2021 (by Yohann Sarrat) & presented in Le Fotomat, Clermont-Ferrand on March 27 2021. Camera : Pauline Ogonowski
Photo 2020
Still shots of 3D modelisation of 2 liquid drops thrawn at each other at high speed
3 trucs qui sonnent #4 : install dispersée
In-situ sound installation with Tout est Cassé during the Concerts Dispersés 2020
Zone Negative @ Boiler Merde
Recorded @ DATA during the pandemic curfews
Sars-cov my love
Photo 2019
Heavy Nylons
Still shots in 3D space of textile objects falling. The mesh, density and bounciness vary for each object.